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‘Roll-A-Cover Uncovered’: Rachel’s Waterside Grill Retractable Enclosure, Freeport, NY

Every Wednesday, ‘Roll-A-Cover Uncovered’ spotlights a favorite Roll-A-Cover project.

Freeport, NY- This week’s “Roll-A-Cover Uncovered” is the Rachel’s Waterside Grill retractable enclosure in Freeport, NY! Rachel’s is a classic seafood restaurant with a waterfront view. Located on Freeport’s famous Nautical Mile, patrons can order a wide variety of classic American fare. Boaters can even dock their boat at the restaurant when they are out on the water and looking for a delicious meal!

Ivan Sayles, President of 25 Sails Hospitality, had so many wonderful things to say about his Roll-A-Cover retractable enclosure. “Roll-A-Cover, what can I say? Game changer for us! We got our return on investment in booked parties alone within a year, never mind the countless saves from quick thundershowers or nights that got cool after the sunset, said Sayles. 

This Roll-A-Cover retractable enclosure (and every other one in the region) survived Hurricane Sandy. “When Superstorm Sandy hit us, our restaurant was flooded and destroyed by 3 ft of seawater,” Sayles expressed. “The Roll-A-Cover must have looked like a fishbowl, but the most amazing thing happened, the Roll-A-Cover enclosure survived unscathed. A true testament to its quality and workmanship.” Roll-A-Cover is so elated to have its customers covered, especially when the weather is so severe.

“My recommendation to you, if you’re even thinking about a Roll-A-Cover enclosure. Do it!!”- Ivan Sayles 

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